Hello world!

Ok…Hello world…first of all…I apologize in advance…i use these lines of periods a lot…they actually correspond quite a bit with my purpose for jumping into the BLOG world…but I shall get to that another day.  Mind of Matter….my name is Matt…I have a fascination with the whole mind/matter phenomena with respect to our existence…so Mind of Matter just made sense.  You have stumbled upon a science experiment….for lack of better words….that will hopefully take anyone reading, to a different level of observation of the world and its goings on, but more importantly of oneself and its goings on.  Who am I….honestly, I think that is irrelevant….as the purpose of this experiment is to hopefully give an opportunity to you the reader to explore…”Who am I”?…

My interest is that there are billions of folks out there that are trying to figure out .”who am I” and are in a self-induced coma of routine …get up..text…eat…go to work/school…text…eat..web browse…go home…eat…watch tv…eat…go to bed..start over…(or some variation of such).  Some are still aware of it….some are not..camoflagued by the facade of “The pursuit of happiness”.  Yet most are consciously or sub consiously looking for ways out of this cyclical habit pattern of existence…hence the true nature of drug use/addiction, alcoholism, obesity, sex addiction, pain addiction, power addiction, dogmatic interaction and sensationalism..or less dramatic…weekends…vacations…sports activities…cultural activities….and so on and so on.  Of course, I have partaken in this cycle as well…but one day….a very dark day in my existence, but likely the most important one as well….I had to make a choice…for my cycle had become more of a downward spiral.  It was either sink into the abyss, or stop, take a breath,  figure things out and make my assent back up the spiral……find out…”Who am I”.   That one moment changed my life, in that moment, my experiment began.

Yeah, I know, kind of heavy….but hey…..many times it takes hitting bottom, before we recognize we were falling in the first place.  So, back to ….why am i writing?  Well…to continue my experiment…and hopefully induce the reader to conduct an experiment on him/her self… and use this blog as a resource to help conduct the experiment.  Whether you are headed to the abyss or just settled into your daily routine….I encourage you…I encourage all humans …to take part in this experiment.  To just observe a glimpse of   “who am I” …and find out the great benefit in doing so.

I wish you happiness and look forward conducting this experiment together.

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